mercoledì 25 marzo 2009

my flat

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

GoogleStreetView! che spettacolo!
ma lo sapevate che e' stata mappata anche Udine!?

Io abito li'. Al 42, dove c'e' la bmw (che vi sembrera' strano, ma non e' mia...).

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Hey Diego, didn't know about this blog before. It's great - although I don't understand much ;)

I'm still looking for flight to visit you and London. Is there a weekend where it's impossible to come or am I free to choose ;) ?

diegolas ha detto...

Hi Sabine! cool you find this blog! but i doubt i'll have time to translate it! ;-)
I'll come back to Italy during Easter time, and i'll be busy the 2nd weekend of april! so now you know when to book! :) let me know!